Azeri Organization Spotlight

Government, Embassies and Consulates
The mission of the Consular Section of the Embassy is to protect the rights and interests of the citizens and institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and to exercise official consular functions. The Embassy provides consular services to all states except Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Government, Embassies and Consulates
Our Consulate General covers California as well as 12 other Western U.S. states. Founded in 2006, the Consulate General is Azerbaijan's first and only diplomatic mission on the U.S. West coast. The opening of the Consulate General of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Los Angeles and Western States was a significant milestone in the rapidly developing bilateral ties between the United States and Azerbaijan. Overseeing operations in the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, the mission of the Los Angeles –based Consulate General of the Republic of Azerbaijan is two-fold: 1. To promote the development of commercial, economic, cultural and scientific relations between Azerbaijan and western states of the United States. 2. To protect the rights and interests of the nationals of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the interests of Azerbaijan as a State, and to exercise official consular functions provided for through legislation, international agreements, and other principals and customary regulations under international law.
Government, Embassies and Consulates
Cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the United Nations was established soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union and after Azerbaijan restored its independence. The Republic of Azerbaijan was admitted into the United Nations on March 2, 1992 and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations was opened in New-York on May 6, 1992. Beginning from the very first day of the cooperation with the United Nations Azerbaijan used the platform of the United Nations to draw the international community's attention to the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict and use United Nations potential for its peaceful settlement. Azerbaijan recognizes a vital role of the United Nations, first of all, in establishing and maintaining international peace and security, as well as in sustainable development and democratization. Azerbaijan supports the idea of the reform within the UN so as the Organization will be able to tackle with problems and challenges of the Twenty-first century.

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